Guided tour of northern Oahu

Rob had to work today so Kim had her friend Ron driving us (so she could pay attention to talking and not driving – teasing you again, Kim).

We started with breakfast – again – HUGE potion and we ate half of it. Today was sunny and nice and although the northern parts of Oahu is more green, windy and rainy, we had a perfect day!

We started the day at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Although I find cemeteries a bit sad this was a pretty place and you got some info about the past war history. We also got a great view of Waikiki.

We then left for Nuuanu Pali State Park. It had a great view, but it was so windy that we were afraid that a couple of small dogs would end up like kites (drager man flyr med).

We then went to the Byodo-in temple. It was opened in 1968 and it’s a scale replica of a temple at Uji Japans that was constructed over 900 years ago. The Byodo-in is built to represent the mythical phoenix, its wings upheld by pillars of stone. Folklore tells of t phoenix arising from the ashes to reflect the promises of hope and renewal.

From the temple we drove to Chinaman’s Hat – and island that looked like a hat – Anett had to dip her toes in the sea. When it’s edd tide (fjære) you can walk out to the island.

From Chinaman’s Hat we went to the north east shore (we can’t remember the place). It was a lava rocks and a small lagune for people to swim in. Jan Ove went for a walk on the rocks and took pics of fish, crabs and other cute stuff that live among the rocks.

We stopped for a quick snack before we headed to the old Dole Pinapple plantation. We had to try some pineapple and you can’t get it any sweeter than that!

On our way back “home” we stopped by Kim’s house and met her father and 97 year old grandfather! He graduated back in 1931, but he knew that the capital of Norway is Oslo – it’s amazing. He’s also a great bowler and has bowled a perfect game of 300. He still bowles!

Kim invited us to her favourite Japanese restaurant. This was not your typical european-japanese style restaurant, but a small place with genuine food and good sake! Don’t drink too much sake without eating any food – stuff will get a lot funny in a short while :) Rob joined us for dinner after spending a day in class – he’s working on his masters degree.

Thanks again Kim and Ron (very confusing with all these names) for a funny and relaxing day!

Category: Oahu
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