25 days “over there”

The day of The Rock

We woke up early - at 5 am! Even though we didn’t really to go bed that early (about 11′ish) we were so awake it was boring. But we managed to get the early morning news - and another re-run on ESPN (sports channel) of last weekends football (american version - GO VIKINGS!!!) After yet another breakfast of melon and pastries (don’t know why they call that a breakfast (skipped the yucky pastries and munched up on melons - yummy!)) we left the hotel at 8 am catching the cable car to Fishermans Warf and then walk to Pier 33 to get to boat to Alcatraz.

We stopped by the warf to buy some fruit which we enjoyed (some of) while waiting for the boat. It’s yet again a sunny and warm day. I can’t understand why the weather say 21 degrees cause it’s all blue skyes - sunny and far from 21.. more like 30 (we’re both getting a tan).

Alcatraz - or The Rock as it’s called - is famous from movies. We’re not gonna write a whole lot about the rock as most is already on ther internet, but that this place was more than a prison. It was also a place for guards and their families - with both school and a local store. After the rock closed in ‘63 it was left alone for several years (the buildings were weathered and in a really bad shape that they had to close it). If you still wanna read more about its history - take a look here.

So what is our verdict - was it worth 2×26 $ - Anett says no, Jan Ove says yes. I - Anett found it a bit of a tourist trap. Although the audio tour was nice it was crowded with ppl (we took the 10 am tour)  - AND - a bit of advise if you’re thinking about bringing kids - DON’T! Especially babies who cry their eyes out. They’re just annoying to the rest of us visitors! (grrr.. )

Anyway - here are some pics from the rock.

Welcome newcomers. Pick up your blue dress - and socks.

Unless you were one of the most wanted (who were locked up 24/7)
this was your home for X years.
If you were so lucky to get a visitor - this is
where you’d sit and talk - behind a glass window.
September 24th, 2008 at 1:00 am

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