Monthly Archives: april 2015

Cape Coral


It’s so warm outside today, but we decided to go for a walk down to the pier. The walk turned out to be a bit longer cause of the hot sun (33 degrees C +), but we eventually got down



We would just like to show you some of our «pets» We found one in the kitchen – they are difficult to catch, but luckily it managed to get into the bathroom which has a door to the pool –

Burrowing owls (norsk – Graveugle)


We have some really cute neighbors – burrowing owls! These cute and small owls are everywhere and you can not build anything where they live. You therefore get these small patches that are just for the owls      

Good morning Cape Coral!


Jetlagged we woke up very early and got outside and sat by the pool! What a luxury to have your own pool! I think we’ll miss this when we return home to Norway – so we’re gonna make the best

Departure day!


Early bird gets the worm they say, but 4 am IS very early – and we have a long day in front of us! We were so lucky that my mum would drive us to the airport so we didn’t

«Bright side of the road»


I heard this on the radio and thought it would be perfect for the trip!  

Less than a week


It’s only 3 working days left and less than a week before we’re off! I guess it’s time to bring out the suitcases and do some packing!